Amazon Product Category Taxonomy

Amazon Product Category Taxonomy

The Amazon Category Taxonomy has over ten thousand categories. Items can be listed in open categories as well as categories requiring approval. There are more than 20 categories available for open listing. Non-open categories are only available to sellers with a...
How To Bulk List Products On Amazon

How To Bulk List Products On Amazon

The Amazon Fulfillment Workflow The Amazon Fulfillment consists of the following three steps: List products on Amazon Through an Amazon Bulk Product Listing Template Manually When order is fulfilled, send tracking numbers back to Amazon These three listing steps are...
Listing Products on Amazon Australia

Listing Products on Amazon Australia

Amazon Australia has officially launched, and will soon be expanding to categories other than books! Feedonomics can help you list products on Amazon AU, as well as complete the order fulfillment process. To get started let us know below, and signup for Amazon...
Why You Need To Be Selling On Marketplaces

Why You Need To Be Selling On Marketplaces

There are many places to advertise your products, so why is everyone talking about marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart?   The biggest single reason is that over half of all product searches start on Amazon in the US.  Despite this fact, marketplaces have been...