Protect your data and your business with custom alerts
Our data governance systems detect unusual data changes and prevent bad exports from going through

Some product data errors are inevitable
Shopping channels update their listing requirements frequently, and the sheer amount of data in large product catalogs makes it impossible to prevent every inconsistency.
Our platform ensures those unexpected issues don’t cause major problems.
We have systems in place to continually protect your data
Feedonomics has systems in place to monitor your data, flag potential issues, and notify the right people to address them. Our dedicated feed specialists troubleshoot these errors and work with you to resolve them as quickly as possible, helping you maximize product uptime.

We safeguard your business by triggering a variety of responses to changes in your data:

Alerts that warn you of potential issues or missing values
Hard stops that prevent bad data from being published
Inventory buffers that prevent overselling
Random sampling to check data quality within large catalogs
Automated retries for imports or exports that time out while processing
Data tracking to spot discrepancies
Export conditions for outbound data
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