How to make Facebook Dynamic Product Ad Images Square With Padding

Facebook Dynamic Product Ads (DPA) is a great way to remarket your products to users who have already visited your website.

With so many active users on Facebook, it is critical to put out your best content to help sell your products. Some merchants face several common issues that can bring down your products’ potential to sell. One of the most common issues is not having square images. Most images are rectangular or portrait, rather than square (having equal height and width).


Facebook DPA works best when merchants upload square images of their products. However, many merchants find it difficult to upload square images. This can be due to many reasons, for example, their pictures are from another site, like Magento, which do not need square images. This can become an even more difficult issue when working with many products.

Fortunately, Feedonomics has an incredibly easy way to make your images square without distorting the original image! By using advanced technology developed by our team, we can resize your images and add padding to get you the perfect square image. The best part is, it doesn’t matter how many images you are looking to resize, we can do it in less time than anyone else! Request a demo with us to see how we can help you out.