Wish is a leading mobile shopping mall with over 100 million monthly active customers and over 2 million items sold per day. Want to learn how to sell on the Wish marketplace? Read on!
What do I need to set up a Wish Merchant account?
If you want to sell products on Wish, you need to submit an application for review. Follow these steps to submit your application:
- Create a store and login. Choose your store name, provide an email address, and create a password.
- Provide your contact information, including your full name, address, and phone number. Wish will send you a verification code to verify your phone number.
- Submit the verification code.
- Click “Enter my store” to continue filling out your application.
- Confirm your email address.
- Once you progress beyond this step, your application will be submitted and the Wish team will review it within three business days.
Once your application is approved, complete the following steps to get started:
- Enable two-factor authentication to secure your account and receive payments.
- Set up your shipping settings and specify the countries you deliver to.
- Select your currency for all prices, orders, and payments.
- Configure your tax rates and regions where you have tax nexus.
- If you are selling branded products (either your own, or someone else’s brand), you will need to create a brand authorization.
- Validate your store.
How do I validate my store on Wish?
When you first receive approval to sell on Wish, your store may have limited functionality, like a cap on your maximum Gross Merchandise Value. To validate your store on Wish and unlock all of its features, take the following steps:
- Select your store’s country of domicile.
- Verify your phone number.
- Provide your legal business address.
- Select your account type (individual merchant or business merchant).
If you select a business merchant account type, you must supply the following information to Wish:
- Provide the full name of the primary contact person for your business. This person should be able to provide registration information on behalf of the company, as well as initiate transactions like disbursements and refunds.
- Enter your company name.
- Provide proof of identity for your business. For acceptable forms of proof of identity, see Wish’s help article on store validation.
Submit your validation request. After you have submitted your store validation request, it will be processed and reviewed by Wish within two business days.
What are the commission rates and fees on Wish?
Wish does not charge any monthly subscription fees or listing fees. Merchants are charged a commission fee of 15% on the total order value (price plus shipping cost) of a sale.
Learn more about Wish’s fees here.
What are the image requirements on Wish?
These are Wish’s recommendations and requirements for submitting images:
- Wish accepts three file types for product images: JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
- Provide URLs to link directly to the images.
- The minimum image dimensions are 100 x 100 pixels in size.
- Do not include company logos, names, promotional text, or other identifying text.
- Use square images as the main images, since other aspect ratios may appear cropped in the shopping feed.
Do I need approval to list in certain categories on Wish?
Once sellers are approved to start selling on Wish, they may list products in any category as long as they comply with Wish’s policies.
Learn more about Wish’s policies here.
Are UPCs or GTINs required to sell on Wish?
No. Wish does not require UPCs or GTINs to start selling. You can read more about required attributes here.
Feedonomics is a preferred listing partner for Wish marketplace! Learn more about Wish and the programs they offer for sellers.

Brian Roizen is the Cofounder and Chief Architect of Feedonomics, a full-service feed optimization platform that optimizes product data for hundreds of channels. He has been featured on numerous podcasts and eCommerce webinars, and regularly contributes to Search Engine Land and other industry-leading blogs. Brian graduated summa cum laude from UCLA with both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering.