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Miinto Feed Specifications
2019 revenue 10.72 million USD
International or Domestic International
Number of sellers 5000
Year founded 2009
Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Miinto.
About Miinto
Miinto is an online fashion marketplace where retailers can sell their products.
How to create a Miinto product feed
To set up an account as a seller through Miinto, contact info@miinto.dk for information on steps to follow.
Required Miinto feed fields
Field Name | Description |
Product ID | Unique code used for identifying the product. |
Product reference ID | Code used for reference purposes. |
Product title | Full title or name of the product. |
Product description | Short description of the product. |
Current price | Full current price of the product in Euros, including cents. |
Old price | Standard price of the product in Euros, including cents. |
Product brand | Brand or manufacturer for the product. |
Product category | The category that the product comes under. |
Product color | The color of the product. |
Product size | The size of the product. Required for TSV files. |
Product image URL | Link to the product image on the website. Image should be JPG format and at least 1000 x 1000 pixels. Required for TSV files. |
Product stock levels | How many items of the product are currently in stock. |
Optional Miinto feed fields
Field Name | Description |
EAN | European article number. |
Product gender | Male, female, etc. |
Product style ID | Style of the product. Often found around the neck of the product. |
GTIN | Global trade item number. |
Product availability | Whether product is in stock or out of stock. |
Additional image | Link to additional image of the product. |
Seasonability | Which season (autumn, winter, etc.) the product is intended for. |
What formats does Miinto accept?
Miinto supports TSV and XML (deprecated) files. TSV files should comply with Google Merchant Product Feed specifications. Feed text should be encoded in UTF-8 and should not include any HTML mark up.
How to send your product feed to Miinto
Miinto requires a URL accessible over HTTP.
Need help in optimizing your feed and getting it to Miinto? We can help, feel free to contact us.
2019 revenue
10.72 million USD
International or Domestic
Number of sellers
Year founded
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