Cyber Monday, 2018 busted Amazon’s own records to become the biggest shopping day in history. With Black Friday less than a month away, are you ready for the annual eCommerce onslaught?
One of the several factors that helps the multinational giant deliver customer success year-upon-year is keeping track of customer expectations 24×7. Amazon releases daily deals on an hourly basis.
So the most important tips that we have to help you with Black Friday, 2019 are to plan early by focusing on:
Website Speed – It is quite likely that your site performance will be burdened on D-Day. Therefore, it is crucial to optimize your website speed and performance for incoming traffic. For instance, run site performance tests.
User Checkout Experience – With the anticipated influx of customers, it is vital to provide a seamless and hassle-free checkout experience for increased customer sales and retention. For example, you could allow users to complete purchases without registration.
Mobile functionality – Most customers make their purchases on mobile, and this naturally applies to Black Friday as well. Therefore, it is important to provide immersive mobile functionality with responsive websites. Make sure that relevant content is readily accessible to users.
Nancy Kapoor – Senior Digital Marketing Associate
Grazitti Interactive

My number one tip for marketers for Black Friday would have to be to build anticipation for your offers to your warm audience and/or previous customers. If you don’t get the message out there that your store is partaking in Black Friday deals then you might as well have no deals at all. This isn’t to say you should reveal your deals right off the bat, but build hype about your store having offers to give over the weekend. Possibly creating content for a full countdown to the day. Reach your audience using email lists, organic content channels (blogs & social media), and remarketing ads to really reach those who will benefit from your offers the most.
Christian Chavez – Founder & Paid Media Manager
Quantum Marketing

Increase your Google Ads bids and ensure that your text is tailored to Black Friday: Start increasing your Google Ads bids around 2 weeks before Black Friday and promote the fact that you have a Black Friday sale coming up. Once Black Friday is here, monitor very closely during the event. There is likely to be a huge increase in bids on Black Friday as a one-off and if your bids aren’t high enough then your ads won’t be shown.
Ensure that you have enough stock: I have seen companies that have offered great deals on Black Friday but not thought to consider the amount of stock they have available. This leads to dissatisfied customers and frustration when they can’t buy your discounted item. If you are offering a really good deal then you are likely to sell in high numbers. Order extra stock if required or ensure that you are able to acquire more should your product sell out.
Make sure that your deals are a bargain: On Black Friday you are reaching your audience (and quite often a different, new audience) that have a completely different mindset to normal. They are out to grab a bargain and that is exactly what they are looking for. You can’t offer £10 off a £500 product and expect a lot of interest on Black Friday. Companies offer HUGE discounts as a one-off for Black Friday and a poor deal won’t live up to expectations. Retail companies use this as an opportunity to sell off out of seasonal stock and old models in order to create new space in their warehouse for seasonal products.
Sian Morley – Marketing Manager
Premier UK Events Ltd

Brian Roizen is the Cofounder and Chief Architect of Feedonomics, a full-service feed optimization platform that optimizes product data for hundreds of channels. He has been featured on numerous podcasts and eCommerce webinars, and regularly contributes to Search Engine Land and other industry-leading blogs. Brian graduated summa cum laude from UCLA with both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering.