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Instagram Marketplace Product Feed Specifications


Monthly revenue
2.45 billion

2019 revenue
70.7 billion USD

Menlo Park, California

Number of sellers
1.86 billion

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Instagram Marketplace.

About Instagram Marketplace

Instagram is a free photo and video-sharing social networking service. Brands use it to visually inspire and help audiences discover, browse and purchase products on its shopping feed.

In 2019 Instagram launched its new marketplace. Learn more here.

How to get set-up on Instagram

  1. The first step is to create an Instagram account.
  2. Set up a free business profile.
  3. Once you’ve created your account, you’ll need to setup your product catalog. A product catalog is a structured data file with a list of inventory you want to advertise in different ways, within the Facebook family of apps.

Supported Feed Formats

Provide the product feed in one of these formats:

Feed FormatDescription & GuidelinesSample Feed

Comma-separated value.

  • The first row specifies the column header. Subsequent rows supply the corresponding values for each route.
  • Fields containing whitespace or commas should be enclosed in “double quotes”. A double quote inside a double-quoted field must be escaped with two consecutive double quotes. Example: “Join our “”Royal”” membership program”.
  • Nested or multi-value fields, such as image, can be represented using JSON-encoded values or by a set of “flattened” plain-text columns labeled using JSON-path syntax. Example: image[0].url, image[0].tag[0], image[0].tag[1])
  • Both conventions can be used interchangeably in the same file.
Download > Right-click > Save Link As
TSVTab-separated value. See guidelines for CSV.Download > Right-click > Save Link As
RSS XMLA root XML node encloses a set of nodes, each of which represents a route. The file must begin with the declaration tag. The format is typically generated by automated feed provider systems or web servers. A set of item XML nodes represents a product list and must begin with the <?xml declaration tag.Download > Right-click > Save Link As
ATOM XMLFormat typically generated by automated feed provider systems or web servers. A set of item XML nodes represents a product list and must begin with the <?xml declaration tag.Download > Right-click > Save Link As

Required Fields – Catalog

Provide all column names in English.


Unique ID for item. Can be a variant for a product. If you can, use the product’s existing SKU. If there are multiple instances of the same ID, we ignore all instances. This maps to retailer_id after the product is imported. Max characters: 100

Example: FB_product_0001


Product’s current availability. If item in stock, use one of these accepted values:

  • in stock – Item ships immediately
  • out of stock – No plan to restock
  • preorder – Available in future
  • available for order – Ships in 1-2 weeks
  • discontinued – Discontinued

Example: in stock


Product’s current condition: new, refurbished, or used.

Example: new


Short text describing product. Don’t include promotional text or any links. Don’t enter text in all capital letters. Use line breaks or italics to format your description. Max size: 5000

Example: A vibrant crewneck for all shapes and sizes. Made from 100% cotton.


Link to item image used in the ad. Provide proper image sizes.

For square (1:1) aspect ratios in the carousel ad format – Your image should be 600×600. For single-image, dynamic ads – The min image resolution requirement is 1200×630. The min aspect ratio requirement is 4:5 and the maximum aspect ratio requirement is 1:91:1. If the image is outside this aspect ratio, Facebook crops it to be closest to either the minimum aspect ratio or the maximum aspect ratio depending on its original aspect ratio.

For carousel image, dynamic ads – The minimum image resolution requirement is 500px * 500px, and Facebook crops it to a 1:1 aspect ratio.

Example: https://www.facebook.com/t_shirt_image_001.jpg


URL link to merchant’s site (website landing page) where you can purchase the product or learn more about the item.

Example: https://www.facebook.com/t_shirt


Product title that’s relevant and specific to each product. Include keywords and variants, such as brand names, product areas, attributes, or condition. Max size: 150

Example: Blue Facebook T-Shirt (Unisex)


Cost and currency of item. Format price as the cost, followed by the ISO currency code, with a space between cost and currency.

Example: 9.99 USD, 25.00 EUR


Product’s Global Trade Item Number (GTINs). Exclude dashes and spaces. Submit only valid GTINs as defined by the GTIN validation buide. Supported values are UPC (North America, 12 digits), EAN (Europe, 13 digits), JAN (Japan, 8 or 13 digits), ISBN (books, 13 digits). Required for all new products with a GTIN assigned by the manufacturer.

Example: 4011200296908


Product’s unique manufacturer part number. Max characters: 100.

Example: 100020003


Product’s brand name. **Required if no manufacturer assigned gtin. Max characters: 100

Example: Facebook

Required Fields – Inventory Management

Inventory should be uploaded to Facebook using a catalog. For each catalog, a product feed should be provided in one of the supported formats (CSV, TSV, RSS XML, ATOM XML).

Each item in the product feed supports the following attributes.

idstringRequired. Unique ID for item. Can be a variant for a product. If there are multiple instances of the same ID, we ignore all instances. This maps to retailer_id after the product is imported.
gtinstringGlobal Trade Item Number (GTINs); can include UPC, EAN, JAN, and ISBN. Required for all new products with a GTIN assigned by manufacturer.
mpnstringUnique manufacturer ID for product. Required if no manufacturer assigned gtin. Daily Deals inventory must also include brand if mpn is provided.
brandstringName of the brand. Required if no manufacturer assigned gtin. Daily Deals inventory must also include mpn if brand is provided.
titlestringRequired. Title of item.
descriptionstringRequired. Short text describing product. Use plain text(without HTML tags) for this field. If you want to support HTML, please use rich_text_description field.
rich_text_descriptionstringOptional. Rich text (HTML) description for product. Supported tags include <b>, <i>, <em>, <strong>, <header>. Includes all Header tags (<h1> thru <h6>), <br>, <p>, <ul>, and <li>. If this field is provided, we use it instead of description, however, the descriptionfield is still required because it’s a fallback.
linkstringRequired. Link to item on the merchant’s website. Provide a graceful fallback if you do not have a product URL (e.g. link to the merchant’s Facebook page).
mobile_linkstringOptional. Link to mobile-optimized page for item on the merchant’s website.
image_linkstringRequired. URL of product image.
additional_image_linkstringOptional. You can include up to 10 additional images; provide them as comma-separated URLs.
sizestringRequired for variants with sizes. Size of product. Example: Small, Large. Numeric. Example: 8, 12.5, 23string.
colorstringRequired for variants with colors. Color of item; example: Green, Mauve, Midnight Blue, and so on
genderstringRequired. Determine gender for sizing. Values include Female, Male, Unisex.
patternstringRequired for variants with patterns. Pattern of product e.g. Flannel, Gingham, Polka dots, and so on.
inventoryintegerOptional. Your product is not buyable unless the inventory number is positive.. Number of inventory count of the product (quantity).
visibilitystringOptional. Toggle visibility on product. Options are published (default) or staging. Products that are in staging visibility are not shown to buyers, and are not available for product tagging on Instagram, nor for dynamic ads.

Required. Determines whether item is in stock. Accepted values are:

  • in stock – Item ships immediately
  • out of stock – No plan to restock
  • preorder – Available in future
  • available for order – Ships in 1-2 weeks
  • discontinued – Discontinued
conditionstring**Required*. Product condition: new, refurbished, or used. Marketplace B2C products should mostly be new.
pricestringRequired. Cost of item and currency. Currency should follow ISO 4217 currency codes, such as 9.99 USD.
return_policy_infostringOptional. Product return policy info. Ex: {is_final_sale: “false”, return_policy_days: “30”}. For “final sale” status, use string {is_final_sale: “true”, return_policy_days: “0”}. Products that are “final sale” are not eligible for returns. Note: This is a limited availability feature. Please contact your Facebook representative to get whitelisted.
availability_datedateOptional. For item with preorder availability, determines when the item is available. Date should follow the ISO‑8601(YYYY‑MM‑DD) format.
expiration_datedateOptional. Product expiration. If the product is expired, it will not be shown on Facebook. This date should follow the ISO‑8601 (YYYY‑MM‑DD) format.
sale_pricestringOptional. Discounted price if the item is on sale. Currency should follow ISO 4217 currency codes such as 9.99 USD.
sale_price_effective_datedateOptional. Start and end date and time for the sale, separated by slash 2014-11-01T12:00-0300/2014-12-01T00:00-0300.
google_product_categorystringRequired. Predefined values (string or category ID) from Google’s product taxonomy. For example, Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Dresses or 2271.
product_typestringOptional. Retailer-defined category for product, e.g. Home & Garden > Kitchen & Dining > Appliances > Refrigerators.
item_group_idstringOptional, Required for variants. For items that are variants of a product. Provide the same item_group_idfor all items that are variants. For example, Red Polo Shirt is a variant of Polo Shirt. We map this to retailer_product_group_id once we get your feed.
additional_variant_attributekey-value pairsOptional. Additional attributes that are not core attributes (size, color, gender, pattern, and so on). Do not use a core attribute as an additional attribute. Ex: Scent:Fruity,Flavor:Apple.
offer_pricestringRequired for Daily Deals. Discounted price if the item is offered as a Daily Deal. Currency should follow the ISO 4217 standards. Specified as 9.99 USD. The offer_price field value must be lower than the pricefield value by at least 15%.
offer_price_effective_datestring as two ISO-8601 timestampsRequired for Daily Deals. Start and end date and time for the deal, separated by slash: 2018-06-01T12:00-0300/2018-12-01T00:00-0300.

Product Deep Links, Optional Fields

Provide deep links in Product Feed following the App Links specification. Deep link information in Product Feed takes precedence over any information Facebook collects with App Links metadata with our web crawler.

If you already have deep link information from App Links, you do not need to specify this data. Facebook uses information from App Links to display the correct deep link. To display deep links in your ads see Dynamic Ads, Ad Template.

android_app_nameName of app for displayElectronic Android
android_packageFully-qualified package name for intent generationcom.electronic
android_urlCustom scheme for Android app as URLandroid://electronic
ios_app_nameName of app to displayElectronic iOS
ios_app_store_idApp ID for App Store1234
ios_urlCustom scheme for iOS app as URLios://electronic
ipad_app_nameName of app to displayElectronic iPad
ipad_app_store_idApp ID for App Store9010
ipad_urlCustom scheme for iPhone appipad://electronic
iphone_urlCustom scheme for iPhone app as URLiphone://electronic
iphone_app_store_idApp ID for App Store5678
iphone_app_nameName of app to displayElectronic iPhone
windows_phone_app_idApp ID, as a GUID, for app storeee728e01-7727-4168-9c8f-85c7eef40112
windows_phone_app_nameName of app for displayElectronic Windows
windows_phone_urlCustom scheme for Windows Phone app as URLwindows://electronic

For iOS, only provide iPhone or iPad app information if they are different from the general iOS app.

Use product group to group all product variants. Provide product group to identify products that are almost identical but have variations such as color, material, size or pattern. Groups make it easier to advertise additional colors, styles, or patterns for a particular product. All products in a product group share the same item_group_id. In dynamic ads, we pick only one item out of the group based on the signal we received from the pixel or app.

Optional Fields

NameTypeMax Size
additional_image_linkstringYou can include up to 20 additional images; provide them as comma-separated URLs.
age_groupstringAge group for product. Accepted values are newborn, infant, toddler, kids, adult.
colorstringItem color. Max size: 100
expiration_dateISO‑8601 (YYYY‑MM‑DD)Product expiration. If the product is expired, Facebook excludes it from all product sets and does not display it in ads.
genderstringOptions: male, female, unisex
item_group_idstringItems that are variants of a product. Provide the same item_group_id for all items that are variants. For example, Red Polo Shirt is a variant of Polo Shirt. Facebook maps this to retailer_product_group_id once we get your feed. With dynamic ads, we pick only one item out of the group based on the signal we received from the pixel or app.
google_product_categorystringPredefined values (string or category ID) from Google’s product taxonomy. Max size: 250. Example:Apparel & Accessories > Clothing > Dresses or 2271
materialstringMaterial product is made of, such as leather, denim, cotton. Max size: 200
patternstringPattern or graphic print on a product. Max size: 100

Retailer-defined category for product. Max size: 750.

Example: in TSV
Home & Garden > Kitchen & Dining > Appliances > Refrigerators

Example: in XML <product_type>Home & Garden > Kitchen & Dining > Appliances > Refrigerators</product_type>

sale_pricestringDiscounted price if the item is on sale. Currency should be specified as the ISO 4217 currency code. Example: 9.99 USD
sale_price_effective_dateISO‑8601 (YYYY‑MM‑DD)

Start and end date and time for the sale, separated by slash:



Blob with different prices for each country and region. Different regions are comma-separated. The format should be COUNTRY:STATE:SHIPPING_TYPE:PRICE.


US:CA:Ground:9.99 USD, US:NY:Air:15.99 USD

shipping_weightstringShipping weight of item. Acceptable units of weight: lb, oz, g, kg. Example: 3 lbs
sizestringSize of item. Example: Small or XL
custom_label_0stringOptional. Additional information about item. Max size: 100
custom_label_1stringOptional. Additional information about item. Max size: 100
custom_label_2stringOptional. Additional information about item. Max size: 100
custom_label_3stringOptional. Additional information about item. Max size: 100
custom_label_4stringOptional. Additional information about item. Max size: 100

As you can see, setting up your Instagram Catalog Feed can be rather daunting.

Need help in optimizing your product catalog and getting it into Instagram? We can help!


Monthly revenue
2.45 billion

2019 revenue
70.7 billion USD

Menlo Park, California

Number of sellers
1.86 billion

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Instagram Marketplace.

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