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Tradedoubler Feed Specifications


Monthly visitors
22.2 million

2018 revenue
130.30 million USD

Stockholm, Sweden

Year founded

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Tradedoubler.

About Tradedoubler

Tradedoubler is a digital marketing company that helps clients grow their online sales and find new customers for their business.

How to create a Tradedoubler product feed

You can register an account with Tradedoubler by completing a short form here:


Once you have an account, you can pick your unique token by logging in and going to Settings>Management>Manage tokens.

Tradedoubler homepage

Required Tradedoubler feed fields

Field NameDescription

Product category


The parent of the categories attributes (product ID, name, Tradedoubler category name).

Product ID


ID of the Tradedoubler category that the product is mapped to.



Product name.

Product description


Long description of the product.

Product title


Title of the product.

Product price


Full price of the product, using numbers and decimals but no currency symbols (e.g. 10 or 10.00 or 9.99).

Product image


Parent of the image attributes (URL, width, height)

Product image URL


Link to an image of the product (image size of 500×300 is good).

Product URL


Link to the product page on the website.

Internal roduct ID


Unique product ID. This is used to determine if you are posting a new product or updating an existing one.

Optional Tradedoubler feed fields

Field NameDescription

Tradedoubler category name


Name of the Tradedoubler category that the product is mapped to.

Image width


Width of the product image in pixels.

Image height


Height of the product image in pixels.

Product availability


E.g. in stock, out of stock, available 12-24-2017

Brand name


Product brand name.

Product condition


What condition the product is in, e.g. new, excellent, used, etc.

Delivery time


How long it takes to get the product delivered.

Product identifiers


Parent of the identifiers attributes (EAN, SKU, UPC, ISBN, MPN)

Product SKU

(sku: SKU)

Stock keeping unit number.



European article number



Universal product code



International standard book number



Manufacturer part number

In stock


Number of items of the product in stock.

Product manufacturer


Name of manufacturer

Product model


Name of model

Promotional text


Promotional text for the product.

Shipping cost


Cost of getting the product shipped. Use numbers and decimals but no currency symbols.

Short description


Description of product in 1-2 sentences.

Product size


Size dimensions of the product.

Technical specifications


Technical specifications for the product.



Warranty information on the product.

Product weight


Weight of the product, e.g. 25kg

Additional fields


You can add as many optional fields as you like.

What formats does Tradedoubler accept?

Tradedoubler accepts JSON, XML and CSV files.

How to send your feed to Tradedoubler

When posting your request, you need to tell the service what kind of content you are posting. Tradedoubler only accepts UTF-8 as character set so this needs to be used and specified in the ‘Content Type’ header.

If you need help with creating a Tradedoubler feed, feel free to contact us.


Monthly visitors
22.2 million

2018 revenue
130.30 million USD

Stockholm, Sweden

Year founded

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Tradedoubler.

Find out why the world’s most prolific brands and online retailers choose Feedonomics.

Check out our success stories

Large Department Store

Find out how Impression Share skyrocketed by over 200% with a 117% increase in Revenue.


Find out how our agency partners Subaru campaign generated over $1 million in sales within 4 months.


Find out how ROAS increased 184% on shopping campaigns after converting 29 feeds from a legacy feed platform.