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Skapiec Feed Specifications


Monthly visitors
6 million

Wrocław, Poland

Number of sellers

Year founded

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Skapiec.

About Skapiec

Skapiec is one of the largest price comparison websites in Poland.

How to create a Skapiec product feed

You can set up an account with Skapiec by filling in this registration form here:


Skapiex homepage

Required Skapiec feed fields

Field NameDescription
Product nameFull name or title of the product.
Product priceFull price of the product in PLN.

Optional Skapiec feed fields

Field NameDescription
Product descriptionShort description of the product.
Product categoryCategory for the product, including sub-categories.
Product URLLink to the product page on the website.
Product image URLLink to the product image on the website.
Shipping costsHow much it costs for postage and packaging.
Delivery timeHow long it takes for the product to arrive from the point of ordering.
Product IDUnique code used to identify the product, e.g. MPN, EAN, GTIN, etc.
Product brandName of the brand or manufacturer of the product.

What formats does Skapiec accept?

Product feeds should be supplied in XML format.

How to send your product feed to Skapiec

Files should be sent to Skapiec via URL. Skapiec automatically updates once a day, usually at night.

Need help in optimizing your feed and getting it to Skapiec? We can help, feel free to contact us.


Monthly visitors
6 million

Wrocław, Poland

Number of sellers

Year founded

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Skapiec.

Find out why the world’s most prolific brands and online retailers choose Feedonomics.

Check out our success stories

Large Department Store

Find out how Impression Share skyrocketed by over 200% with a 117% increase in Revenue.


Find out how our agency partners Subaru campaign generated over $1 million in sales within 4 months.


Find out how ROAS increased 184% on shopping campaigns after converting 29 feeds from a legacy feed platform.