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Emarsys Feed Specifications


Monthly visitors

2018 revenue
93.53 million USD

Wien, Wien, Austria

Number of sellers

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Emarsys.

About eBay

Emarsys is a B2C marketing cloud that enables brands around the world to scale personalized interactions.

How to create an Emarsys product feed

You can sign up with Emarsys by completing this short registration form:



Required Emarsys feed fields

Field NameDescription

Product ID


Unique code used to identify the product, e.g. the SKU.

Product title


Full title or name of the product.

Product URL


Link to the product page on the website.

Product category


Category to which the product belongs, including sub-category paths.

Optional Emarsys feed fields

Field NameDescription

Product image URL


Link to the product image on the website.

Zoom image URL


Link to a high resolution image of the product.

Product availability


Whether the product is in stock or out of stock.

Product description


A brief description of the product.

Product price


Current price of the product, with decimal point but no currency symbol.

Suggested retail price


Manufacturer’s suggested retail price, if different from the price.



The title of the album the product appeared on.



The name of the actor associated with the product.



The name of the artist associated with the product.



The name of the author associated with the product.

Product brand


Name of the brand or manufacturer of the product.



The year the product was published.
Custom fieldsThese can be used to cover any fields you wish to include that are not listed above (e.g. color, size, etc.).

Emarsys also accepts Google Product Feeds. If you are already using Google Product Feed, you can use your GPF catalog as long as the necessary Emarsys required feed fields are included.

What formats does Emarsys accept?

Files should be sent to Emarsys in CSV format and conform to their standards. Files can be compressed to a GZIP.

How to send your product feed to Emarsys

The easiest way to send your feed regularly to Emarsys is to import using a URL. You can do this via the ‘Show API upload details’ button on the ‘Sales data’ page. You can also upload manually via the ‘Sales data’ page by clicking ‘validate/upload file’, selecting your file and then activating the upload.

Need help in optimizing your feed and getting it to Emarsys? We can help, feel free to contact us.


Monthly visitors

2018 revenue
93.53 million USD

Wien, Wien, Austria

Number of sellers

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Emarsys.

Find out why the world’s most prolific brands and online retailers choose Feedonomics.

Check out our success stories

Large Department Store

Find out how Impression Share skyrocketed by over 200% with a 117% increase in Revenue.


Find out how our agency partners Subaru campaign generated over $1 million in sales within 4 months.


Find out how ROAS increased 184% on shopping campaigns after converting 29 feeds from a legacy feed platform.