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Avant Link Feed Specifications

Avant Link

Headquarters Park City, Utah

International or Domestic International

Year founded 2005

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on AvantLink.

About AvantLink

AvantLink is the industry-leading technology platform for affiliate referrals.

How to create an AvantLink feed

You can sign up with AvantLink to either the US, Canadian or Australian network by visiting the link here:


Required AvantLink feed fields

Field NameShort Description
SKUStock Keeping Unit. Unique product number to identify the product.
Product nameFull name of the product.
Long descriptionDetailed text description of the product, containing as much information as possible.
DepartmentWhich department the product belongs to.
Product image URLLink to the product image on the website.
Product URLLink to the product page on the website including a buy link.
Product priceFull retail price of the product.

Optional AvantLink feed fields

Field NameShort Description
Brand nameName of the brand of the product.
Brand logo nameName of the brand logo.
Brand URLLink to the brand website
Product categoryWhich category the product belongs in, e.g. DVDs
Product sub-categoryWhich sub-category the product belongs in, e.g. Sci-Fi
Sale priceSale or discount price of the product. Recommended.
Product reviewsDetails of any reviews of the product.
Short descriptionShort description (1-2 sentences) of the product.
KeywordsAnyway SEO keywords associated with the product.

Additional fields can be added to the product feed.

What formats does AvantLink accept?

You can submit your product feed to AvantLink using CSV or XML.

How to send your feed to AvantLink

You can send using either an HTTP download URL or an FTP server location. You can use username/password combinations as long as no manual user intervention is needed. AvantLink can provide a secure server location for files to be uploaded to. Once your product feed has been fully formatted and uploaded, simply provide the URL or FTP location to your integration specialist.

Need help in optimizing your feed and getting it to AvantLink? We can help, feel free to contact us.

Avant Link

Park City, Utah

International or Domestic

Year founded

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on AvantLink.

Find out why the world’s most prolific brands and online retailers choose Feedonomics.

Check out our success stories

Large Department Store

Find out how Impression Share skyrocketed by over 200% with a 117% increase in Revenue.


Find out how our agency partners Subaru campaign generated over $1 million in sales within 4 months.


Find out how ROAS increased 184% on shopping campaigns after converting 29 feeds from a legacy feed platform.