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Risewell International Testimonial

Risewell Testimonial
Alden Li

Alden Li
Marketing and Sales Specialist, Risewell International

Alden Li
Marketing and Sales Specialist, Risewell International

“We didn’t have much experience with creating a data feed, and we didn’t know what rules to abide by for the different platforms. This is where Feedonomics’ expertise came in.

Feedonomics was able to help us expand to Pinterest and Google by creating a data feed that was free of errors so that our catalog was approved by both platforms.

Feedonomics was able to help us expand to Pinterest and Google by creating a data feed that was free of errors so that our catalog was approved by both platforms. Any errors that showed up in the initial onboarding phase were promptly corrected. Any questions I had were also promptly answered.

Feedonomics helped us save a lot of time with feed management.”

Find out why the world’s most prolific brands and online retailers choose Feedonomics.

Check out our success stories

Amazon product listing management

Large Department Store

Find out how Impression Share skyrocketed by over 200% with a 117% increase in Revenue.

Amazon seller central tools


Find out how our agency partners Subaru campaign generated over $1 million in sales within 4 months.

Amazon tools for sellers


Find out how ROAS increased 184% on shopping campaigns after converting 29 feeds from a legacy feed platform.