Dynamic image padding and processing with Feedonomics

Improve your conversion rate and ROAS with more compelling imagery

Dynamic image padding and processing with Feedonomics
Dynamic image padding and processing with Feedonomics

Ad channels have requirements for seemingly every product detail, and images are one of the hardest to reformat at scale.

You can’t just edit specs in a spreadsheet, so if you have a large catalog or advertise on multiple channels, resizing all of your images manually takes significant time and effort.

With Feedonomics, it doesn’t have to.

We offer dynamic image padding and processing services that not only save you resources, but also make your ads more appealing to customers.

How does dynamic image padding and processing work?

Image padding example

Image padding

Feedonomics uses its flexible platform to automatically pad your images to fit the requirements of each shopping destination. Our full-service team handles everything for you, including staying up-to-date on each channel’s evolving specs.

Image processing

We generate processed images from templates our team creates with you. These templates include dynamic text overlays based on the changing values in your product data.

For example, a banner with logos and event information overlaying an image of your choice, resulting in a more compelling visual than the standard product shot (e.g. a ticket). Feedonomics even has the ability to create a composite with multiple image overlays.

Image processing example

Learn more about how we can automate image padding and processing for you.