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Twenga Feed Specifications


Monthly visitors
3.6 million

International or Domestic

Number of sellers

Year founded

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Twenga.

About Twenga

Twenga is an online shopping search engine helping online retailers advertise their products.

How to create a Twenga product feed

Create a Twenga account by completing this short form:


Twenga homepage

Required Twenga feed fields.

As of 2020 Twenga follows the exact same format as Google’s Feed specifications which can be found here.

Old Feed Specification Below

Field NameDescription

Product ID


Internal product ID used by the retailer.



Unique product identifier number, which can be the universal product code (UPC) or the European article number (EAN).

Manufacturer ID


Number code for manufacturer. Can also be the stock keeping unit (SKU).

Product URL


Link to the product page on the website.

Product image URL


Minimum size of 500 x 500 pixels and maximum of 2000 x 2000 pixels. White background recommended.

Product price


General price. Used sale price if in the sale. Use numbers and decimals but no currency symbols.

Regular price


General full price of the product, including VAT. Use numbers and decimals but no currency symbols.

Shipping cost


If costs cannot be supplied, put NC or leave blank.

Product details


Specific name, brand and model of the product.

Product description


This can be quite detailed and a few sentences long. Include as much information on the product as you can.

Product category


Can include general and more specific, e.g. televisions>LCD televisions.

Product brand


Brand name of the product.

In stock


Either Y or N. If item is out of stock but available to order, put R.

Product availability


Number in stock.

Delivery time


How long it takes to get the product delivered, e.g. within 7 days.

Unit price


Product unit price per weight, e.g. £10.99/100ml

Product margin


This amount must not include tax.



The amount of ecotax included in the product’s final price, as a whole number.

Optional Twenga feed fields

Field NameDescription

Product reference


Group reference, used if your products are organised in reference and product variance (e.g. shoes available in several colours and sizes).

Twenga network display


Whether or not the product is visible on the Twenga network.

Product condition


Whether product is new or used.

Energy rating


Energy consumption rating for household appliances (e.g. A+++)

What formats does Twenga accept?

Feeds can be provided to Twenga by XML, CSV and TXT.

How to send your feed to Twenga

Files must be encoded in the UTF-8 format and housed so that they can be downloaded via a static URL (HTTP or FTP).

If you need help with creating a Twenga feed, feel free to contact us.


Monthly visitors
3.6 million

International or Domestic

Number of sellers

Year founded

Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Twenga.

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