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Shop.com Feed Specifications


Monthly visitors
1.8 million

Limerick, Ireland

Year founded


Ready to reach a whole new audience? Let us help you get your products listed on Shop.com.

About shop.com

Shop.com is a new kind of shopping experience where you can search for products from the best stores on the web and see them side by side to work out which price, shipping and delivery options work best for you.

How to create a shop.com product feed

You can sign up for a shop.com account by filling out this inquiry form:


Shop.com homepage

Required shop.com feed fields

Field NameDescription
Product IDUnique ID used to identify a product (between 3-30 numbers in total).
Product nameIt is recommended that you include product type in this field also.
SKU numberUnique stock keeping unit number for the product.
Primary categoryUse either top-level category (e.g. apparel) or bottom-level category (e.g. jeans) as using both may exceed character limit.
Product URLLink to the product page on the website.
Product image URLLink to the product image on the website (must be an absolute URL)
Short product descriptionShort description in plain text, not HTML.
Retail priceFull price without discount. Use only numbers and decimal points without currency symbols (e.g. 20 or 20.00)
Is deleted flagN if the product should appear in the interface, otherwise Y. Default is N.
Is all flagY if product is to appear in all offers, otherwise N. Default is Y.
Class IDClassification type (number), based on product type (e.g. clothing, music, etc.). Only required if you are submitting an attribute file (see below).
Is product link flagY if the product is to be offered to publisher as Individual Product Link in Create Links section. Otherwise N.
Is storefront flagThis is a now retired feature. Please enter N.
Is merchandiser flagY if product is to be offered to publisher in Merchandiser product file FTP. Otherwise N.
CurrencyThe 3-character ISO currency code (e.g. USD, GBP, EUR, etc.)

Optional shop.com feed fields

Field NameDescription
Secondary category (ies)Additional product categories, if applicable.
Buy URLLink to shopping cart with product.
Long product descriptionIn plain text, not HTML. This is a recommended field to provide maximum information on the product.
DiscountAmount or percentage deducted from product price.
Discount typeAmount or percentage.
Sale priceUse numbers and decimal points, no currency symbols (e.g. 20 or 20.00). If a discount is available on the product, enter the discount price in this box and the undiscounted price in the retail price box.
Begin dateDate that product becomes available (dd/mm/yyyy).
End dateDate that product stops being available (dd/mm/yyyy).
BrandProduct brand name.
ShippingCost of default shipping option available.
Keyword (s)Keywords for internet searches. Recommended field.
Manufacturer part numberThis may sometimes be the same as the SKU.
Manufacturer nameName of the manufacturer for the product.
Shipping informationInformation on the default shipping option.
AvailabilityWhether or not the product is in stock.
Universal product codeProduct barcode. Recommended to include.
M1Leave null unless otherwise instructed.

In addition to the fields above which are included in the Primary Files, you can also add an Attribute File which provides additional information about each product. The fields of the attribute file will depend on the Class ID of the product (if used). For example, something with the Class ID 40 is computer hardware. The attribution file associated with Class ID 40 accepts fields such as Ram, Processor, Hard Drive and Monitor Size.

What formats does shop.com accept?

Shop.com accepts TXT files.

How to send your feed to shop.com

You can submit files by FTP. The initial file you submit should include the complete product database. Before sending your initial file, contact your Technical Consultant at shop.com so that they can review file format and content. Subsequent files you upload can be complete product files or ‘delta’ files that add new products, update information on existing products or delete products.

Need help in optimizing your feed and getting it to Shop.com? We can help, feel free to contact us.


Monthly visitors
1.8 million

Limerick, Ireland

Year founded


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Large Department Store

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