eBay Commerce Network

eBay Commerce Network

The eBay Commerce Network originally started out as Dealtime.com, which eBay acquired in 2005 for $620 million. eBay then rebranded Dealtime as Shopping.com, which really was the beginning of the eBay Commerce Network (ECN) in 2013. Today, the eBay Commerce Network...
Ebay Category Taxonomy

Ebay Category Taxonomy

 The  Ebay Category Taxonomy and category list can be found here. The Ebay Category Taxonomy has about a thousand categories. It is recommended to get the category as specific as possible, usually when a leaf node is reached, however specificity is not required as...
Ebay Commerce Network Taxonomy

Ebay Commerce Network Taxonomy

There are around one thousand categories in the Ebay Commerce Network Taxonomy. Categories provide breadcrumbs in order to help describe a product’s classification. Ebay Commerce Network Categories are recommended but not required. For example, if you wanted to...